Medium Diversions

The journey continues

Sterling Page
6 min readSep 28, 2022
Beautiful words

Writing at Medium should be a pleasure, a place to write without censure, self or otherwise. We should write what we want when we want, for whoever wishes to read our words.

But it’s not quite that simple, is it?

Pesky little questions about distribution and money keep rearing their ugly heads here and quite frankly, Medium’s answers to those questions leave many authors with more questions and outright skepticism of Medium.

As transparent as Medium say they are, they have a habit of leaving murky waters in the wake of any announced changes.

Distribution Devolution

Medium recently informed us that they’ve changed the way distribution works. They clarify that “most stories published on Medium are now eligible for distribution across the network.”

They further clarify:

  • Our stories no longer need to be curated or distributed;
  • There is no waiting period for curation review and approval;
  • Our stories have always been distributed to our followers, which hasn’t changed;
  • Stories are distribution eligible at the time of publishing;
  • They will no longer inform us when our stories are distributed.

